It's about people, trust & creating value is a people oriented investor. Investing is not only about money. It’s creating value by adding knowledge, experience and networking opportunities. The foundation of this unique cooperation is trust. Because in the end it’s about people doing business with people. It’s about working together, thinking together, and growing together.
Our core
- We think long term. We believe in entrepreneurship and in young, or not so young, potentials.
- Dynamic and direct decision making is important to us. Challenges are at the core of every business. We want to act as a sounding board for entrepreneurs. We are agile and committed.
- We value fairness, transparency and trust. That's why close cooperation and a personal approach are among our key values.

"It's not what's good for you or us, it's what's good for the company."
Our approach
prioritize the company
We will always put your company first. We are not driven by an external capital source. This enables us to make strong - short and long term - strategic choices in the interest of the company.
alignment of interests
Fundamental to our approach is that all interests are aligned and that the partnership is a win-win. We structure investments tailored to what is important to all parties involved.
a fascinating network
You will be welcomed into an extensive network of people, companies & capital. is an environment in which we share our expertise. N.E.S.T. is the inspiring place where all of this comes together.
Our milestones
N.E.S.T. stands for Nurture, Enable, Share, Transmit. It is the home of The place where the different companies we partner with can learn from one another. A platform for cross-pollination.

The faces behind
Just like any successful business, is driven by a team of passionate specialists who share our vision